Should I Pick an Artificial Tree or a Real One?

With real Christmas trees available for purchase starting in November, it’s time to think whether or not you should pick up a real Christmas tree or purchase an artificial one. There are many pros and cons to having both. Many people prefer one type of tree over another.

Here at Universal Storage Group, many of our customers store holiday decorations at our storage facilities. So, let’s explore some benefits and drawbacks of your tree choice. By weighing the pros and cons of a real vs. fake tree, you can determine which choice is best for you this holiday season.

Pros and Cons of an Artificial Tree

Artificial trees have been around for many years. They are an easy way to decorate the home year after year and are in some ways both safer and easier to acquire and assemble than a real Christmas tree. At the same time, there are some drawbacks to these trees, so consider the following:

Pros of an Artificial Tree

  • Reusable: With an artificial tree, you only have to buy it once and can use it for years to come. If you use it for several years, it is the more cost-effective choice.
  • Low maintenance: Once you put your artificial tree up, all there is left to do is decorate. You don’t have to worry about watering it or trimming it because no growth is happening.
  • Fire-resistant: Thankfully, artificial tree companies create them with materials that are resistant to fires. Many trees get decorated with lights that illuminate the beauty of the tree. While the lights are beautiful, they have the potential to cause a fire if not on a fire-resistant material.

Cons of an Artificial Tree

  • Non-recyclable: Unfortunately, once you purchase an artificial tree, they are challenging to get rid of if you no longer need it. Their production adds to the carbon footprint because they are also not biodegradable.
  • Synthetic look: Depending on the artificial Christmas tree you purchase, it can give off a synthetic look. If you are going for a realistic look, you might opt for the natural Christmas tree.

Pros and Cons of a Real Tree

Many families have the tradition of going Christmas tree shopping each year. People who experienced this tradition as children often continue it into adulthood. It is a fun family experience you can enjoy with your family yearly. But the benefits and drawbacks extend to the trees themselves, too:

Pros of a Real Tree

  • Family tradition: For many people across the country, heading to the Christmas tree farm each year is a nostalgic experience that signifies the start of the holiday season.
  • Better for the environment: Because they are natural, real Christmas trees are easy to recycle. Once you finish using it for the year, there are places you can bring the tree to recycle them safely.
  • Fresh scent: Nothing feels more like Christmas than the smell of fresh pine. A real Christmas tree can bring a wonderful and natural aroma to your home that an artificial tree can’t replicate.

Cons of a Real Tree

  • High maintenance: Once you set up your Christmas tree, it is crucial to keep it watered and maintained. Real trees can dry up quickly and become a fire hazard if they get too dry. Real Christmas tree owners often find themselves picking pine needles off the floor throughout the holiday season.
  • Bugs: Because real Christmas trees are typically found outdoors, they can attract bugs. It is critical to ensure your tree is free of bugs when you bring it inside the home.
  • Allergies: Many people are allergic to types of trees and other environmental factors. A real Christmas tree could cause someone in your home’s allergies to act up throughout the holiday season.

How Much Are Real Christmas Trees?

In most cases, a real Christmas tree can be acquired for under $100 with particularly large ones—trees so big they require a dedicated setup crew—can stretch up to nearly $1000. Per the American Christmas Tree Association, your average real live Christmas tree costs $78. This is more expensive than the cheapest artificial trees, and even more expensive artificial trees can recoup their cost after just two or three years of use.

Store Holiday Decorations With USG

If the reason you aren’t purchasing an artificial tree is because you have nowhere to put it once the holiday season is over, we can help! Universal Storage Group offers many storage options across several states throughout the country. In addition, we can provide holiday storage for your artificial Christmas tree and other decorations in one of our many storage units.

For more information about sizing, check out our size guide. This can help you to determine what size storage unit you need based on what you have to store.

If you’re ready to organize your holiday decorations, contact us to learn more about our available storage units. Fill out our contact form or visit a storage facility near you. We are happy to answer any of your questions about the storage options we offer and explain how easy it is to start storing today!