Let Go of these Organizing Habits in 2023
While each day brings new opportunities to improve your life, starting fresh in a new year is especially motivating.
People look at the new year as a time for new beginnings, but it can also be a time for letting go. This doesn’t necessarily mean letting go of physical objects and clutter but of organizing habits that aren’t serving you well.
At the start of a new year social media bombards you with organizational posts. Pinterest hacks, Instagram influencers, and organizing bloggers appear everytime you scroll your phone.
This isn’t to say that some of those suggestions aren’t worthy of your attention. In any case, it’s important to use what works best for you. Don’t be swayed by shiny object syndrome.
One thing that you should think about is leasing a self storage unit. This will help you to develop a habit of storing the items that you’re getting ready to discard or donate. Debris piled high in every room isn’t going to boost your efforts.
Universal Storage Group has a variety of self storage units to fit your needs and your budget. Check our website for more information.
Organizing Habits to Let Go of in 2023
Keeping Items Because of Guilt
Don’t let feelings of guilt keep you from having a clutter-free home. Your grandmother may have passed down a collection of Hummel figurines that is simply not your taste. Keeping it because you feel guilty or nostalgic can be stressful and actually lead to resentment.
Ask other family members if they would enjoy having these items. If not, take them to a donation center and relax. Grandma wouldn’t want you to be unhappy.
Striving for Perfection
Life is messy, and striving for perfection will frustrate you. Keeping your house tidy isn’t a contest between you and Pinterest perfect pictures of ideal rooms.
Perfectionism can lead to procrastination. Spending more time trying to make sure everything is perfect than actually completing a task can be self-defeating.
Aiming at unrealistic goals can lead to feelings of not being good enough and eventually giving up. Embrace imperfection and keep moving forward. Done is better than perfect.
Imitating Your Favorite Social Media Influencers
It may look like social media influencers have perfect homes, but it’s unlikely that their organization systems will work for you. Influencers and professional organizers are gifted with these products, and the cost of what you’re seeing is not budget friendly. It’s fine to take inspiration from these internet rockstars, but create systems that work for your lifestyle. Don’t compare your home to theirs.
Buying Organizing Bins, Baskets, and Boxes Without Intention
Yes, those space-saving systems from The Container Store and seagrass baskets from Pottery Barn are stunning. They are costly, but you know they will look perfect in your space. You scroll through website after website ordering all of it.
Do you have a plan for all of these cute containers? Have you measured your space and decided what you’re going to store in which container? Have you checked the return policy?
If not, you are wasting money now, and you’ll be wasting time later if you have to return these items. In fact, if you can’t use them you’ll be adding to the clutter.
Before you begin buying storage items, decide exactly what you need to organize and where. Be intentional when you’re buying those bins and baskets.
Nagging Your Family or Roommates
Nagging almost never works. It can be frustrating to live with people who don’t seem to notice the clutter right in front of their eyes.
Unfortunately, not everyone cares about being organized, and nagging can lead to disagreements that take a toll on relationships. Focus on taking care of your personal space. Maybe your good habits will eventually be adopted by the rest of the household.
Letting Clutter Overwhelm Your Space Until You’re Forced to Tackle It
Procrastination goes hand-in-hand with disorganization. Yes, there are times when life happens and clutter accumulates. It’s ideal to make a habit of cleaning up as you go. This will keep the mess under control and help you avoid overwhelming messes to deal with later.
Final Thoughts
This is the year to get your mess under control. Use those strategies that work for your lifestyle and break the habits that are sabotaging your efforts. Make 2023 your year of organized living.This is the year to get your mess under control. Use those strategies that work for your lifestyle and break the habits that are sabotaging your efforts. Make 2023 your year of organized living.